「香港護理專科學院」全力支持每年10 月2 日的[國際無酒精日]

香港每年個人酒精消耗量,由2009 年的2.6 公升增加至2016 年的2.86 公升。身為專業護士,我們深感酒精對個人健康的殘害。






Press Release – Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Press Statement on World NO Alcohol Day 2.10.2017

The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing (HKAN) is in great support to the World NO Alcohol Day on 2 October of each year. Alcohol consumption per capita of Hong Kong has an increasing trend from 2.60 L/yr (2009) to 2.86 L/yr (2016). As nurses, we recognize the harm and adverse effects of alcohol on a person’s health.

There is no known safe level of Alcohol consumed throughout any stage of pregnancy. In effect, alcohol crosses over the placenta and persists in the amniotic fluid causing intellectual and development defects to babies. The accumulation of alcohol builds up in the baby’s body if the mother is breastfeeding. Children and adolescents grow vulnerable with memory, language, attention, learning problems and become vulnerable to alcohol toxicity, addiction and psychiatric disorders.

Alcohol affects the human brain, disturbs the mood and impairs memory and psychomotor function. Child abuse, fatal road traffic injuries, falls, drowning, assault, suicide and homicide are just a few known harms resulting from heavy drinking.

Lifelong alcohol consumption increases the health risks. Evidences show that alcohol is a Group 1 cancer-causing agent, highly linked to the cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, bowel and breast. It is also associated with over 200 types of diseases including cardiac vascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, and infectious diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Alcohol working with sports together has an adverse effect on the central nervous system, thus increasing risks of accidents and injuries. We are glad to note that the Hong Kong Alliance for Advocacy Against Alcohol had recently revoked the organization of a sports event which initially encouraged participants to consume beer while running.

This year, the HKAN, is happy to support the “Alcohol Fails Campaign” organized by the Department of Health as Co-organizer to step up anti-alcohol education with patients to reduce alcohol-related harms by using an alcohol screening and intervention tool. HKAN calls for your support to “Alcohol Fails Campaign”, please join us to keep alcohol out of our home and our schools.


Department of Health, HKSAR (2013). Action Plan to Reduce Alcohol-related Harm in Hong Kong. Department of Health: Hong Kong.

Department of Health, HKSAR (2016). Alcohol Consumption Per Capita in Hong Kong. [cited 2017 September 28]. Available from: https://www.change4health.gov.hk/en/alcohol_aware/figures/alcohol_consumption/index.html

Hong Kong Alliance for Advocacy Against Alcohol. (2017). Position Statement on Alcohol and Sports Events. [cited 2017 September 10]. Available from: http://www.hkccm.org.hk/pdffile/17081010190920.pdf

NHS Choices (2017). Breast feeding and drinking alcohol. [cited 2017 September 10]. Available from: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/Pages/breastfeeding-alcohol.aspx

The National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health. (2016). Position Statement: Prevention of Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies. Women’s Health Care, 18-20. [cited 2017 September 25]. Available from: https://www.npwh.org/lms/.../file?...AEP_NPWH%20Position%20Statement