Stanford University has recently released the list of “Top 2% Scientists of the World for the Year 2021”.  Congratulations to Professor CHAIR Sek Ying, President of The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing, and Professor William LI, President of Hong Kong College of Education & Research in Nursing are included in the list.  It represents that they are the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines. The report was prepared by a team of experts led by Prof. John Ioannidis, the eminent Professor at the Stanford University, to select the top 2% of the world's scientists from nearly 7 million scientists.

美國史丹福大學早前發布2021年「全球前2%頂尖科學家名單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2021)」,恭喜香港護理專科學院院長車錫英教授,及 香港護理教育及科研學院院長李浩祥教授名列「2021年度科學影響力排行榜」。這是代表他們的學術著作獲廣泛引用。該報告由史丹福大學 John Ioannidis教授領導的專家團隊編撰,從近700萬名科學家中遴選出世界排名前2%的科學家。