Community Testing Scheme -

Recruitment of Staff at Swabbing Stations 


As announced by the Chief Executive on 7 August 2020, the Government will introduce the Community Testing Scheme (“CTS”) to provide virus testing services free-of-charge to all Hong Kong citizens who may join on a voluntary basis.  The objective is to identify infected persons early, particularly those who are asymptomatic.  In implementing the CTS, the Government aims to set up swabbing stations in 18 districts to provide swabbing service.  It is therefore crucial to have sufficient manpower to conduct swabbing at the stations. 


​Given the background of healthcare or relevant training, it is recommended that the swabbing should be conducted by healthcare professionals or para-professionals, and the supervisory posts at the swabbing station should be held by registered doctors / dentists / nurses.  We therefore appeal for your assistance to recruit you to be the team leader / assistant team leader / team member to conduct the swabbing services.  Bureau will decide the post.


​In recognition and support of the staff in performing the duties, the Government would provide: 

  • Honorarium (hourly rate for swabbing team leader, assistant team leader and team member are around $800, $600 and $300 respectively (preliminary indicative only and non-committal)),
  • Appropriate protective gear (e.g. surgical masks and gloves), and
  • Training on proper swab and infection control.


As informed by Food and Health Bureau, The CTS will tentatively commence on 1 September 2020 for 14 days.  The deadline for recruitment will subsequently be extended to 22 August 2020.  We should be grateful if you could complete the attached application form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Those who have applied before do not have to send the form again. 


Please join us in this meaningful exercise for the benefit of the public.  Should you have any enquiries, please contact HKAN office at telephone number 2370 0335. Together, we fight the virus!  Thank you.



Prof. CHAIR Sek Ying 

RN, PhD, FAAN, FHKAN (Cardiac-Medicine)

President, The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing

Download this file (Application Form (1).docx)Application Form (1).docx[ ]20 kB