Dear All,

Further to the statement issued on 31 January 2020, the HKAN would like to follow up with some positive actions to support our nurses who are working in the frontline with dedication and diligence. We maintain our stance to be professional and honour the call of nursing to serve the people in need. We appeal for your help to exercise your network to invite nurses to contribute, either as locum nurses with HA or volunteers. The HKAN has also set up two hotlines, one for nurses and the other one for the community, that could use the professional background of nurses. Please see attached the press statement we have issued and the volunteer enrollment form. Please widely disseminate to your nursing friends and ask them to help share with others. We look forward to hearing from you.

香港護理專科學院堅守南丁格爾精神, 再次與全港市民抗疫, 並肩作戰。

Stay safe and take care!

Warmest Regards,

Frances Kam Yuet WONG
President, HKAN