Dear all, 

Regarding the NICHE Conference - Driving Geriatric Nursing Excellence during 27 April – 1 May 2020 in New Orleans, LA, USA, I’m pleased to announce that the Academy will provide a sponsorship amount at HK$8,000 x 4 quotas.  Email announcement will be sending to the Members by system.

 Please click for more details about the Conference. 

Guideline for Award of Sponsorship: 

The sponsorship will be awarded to 4 applicants with the highest merits subject to -

  1. of year of being the HKAN Fellows
  2. Poster/oral presentation in the conference
  3. Council member of HKAN or being served in the council of the College
  4. Activities involvement/contribution to Council of the College/HKAN

All awardees have to either conduct a sharing session or to write 500-word in paper for sharing after attending the Conference.  

 Announcement of Results

By email to the successful applicants and the related College Presidents in January 2020 

Sponsorship Fee Arrangement

Successful applicants have to provide the Conference attendance certificate after the conference.  Sponsorship fee will be reimbursed to the applicants in May 2020.   

To apply, please return the completed enrollment form to HKAN Office by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 28 November 2019.  Please make sure to have the College President endorsed on the application form.


Thanks with regards,

The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing
