We are pleased to inform that our Advisor, Clinical Professor Fiona STOKER, CEO of The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) will conduct one Seminar and one Workshop related to grant professionalism to Advanced Practice Nurses:

Date: 9 May 2019, Thur   10 May 2019, Fri
Time: 7pm – 9pm   2pm – 5:15pm
Venue: HJ210, The HK Polytechnic University   HJ210, The HK Polytechnic University
Program: Seminar

Who and what is the best way to grant Professionalism to Advanced Practice Nurses?

Introduction purpose of the evening

  1. What does Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom do to recognise advanced nursing practice
  2. What is the right level of regulation/recognition of Advanced Practice in Nursing
  3. The pros and cons of the role Professional organisations in the recognition of advanced Practice


  Workshop – a continual discussion of the seminar of the previous day

The challenges and capabilities of establishing a system for the recognition of advanced practice Nursing

Participants will work to understand what capabilities are required to develop a system for recognition of advanced practice

  1. Feedback of the key points from the seminar the previous day
  2. If the HKAN was appointed to undertake the role of granting recognition of advanced practice and taking into consideration the key points raised in the seminar
  3. What would the group see as the major challenges that the organisation would face in implementing this role
  4. What could be learnt from other countries and what would the group see as key capabilities that the organisation would need to develop to undertake the rol
*Participants enroll to the Workshop have to attend the Seminar on 9 May 2019.
CNE Point: 2   5 { 2 (Seminar) + 3 (Workshop) }
Fee: $300   $750 ($300/Seminar + $450/Workshop)
Enrollment: Please click here to enroll to the Seminar   Please click here to enroll to the Seminar + Workshop
Payment Method: Hang Seng Bank a/c no. 227-452992-001 (The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Limited)
Please upload the payment proof upon on-line enrollment