Response to NCHK on Voluntary Scheme on Advanced/Specialized Nursing Practice

Proposal for Regulation of Advanced/Specialized Nursing Practice: Voluntary Registration Scheme with a Timeframe (15 Mar 2019)

Please click on the following link for further reading:
- Download the Document (PDF) here.

Letter to NCHK reiterating support to HKCCN and HKCGN (4 Mar 2019)

Please click on the following link for further reading:
- Download the Document (PDF) here.

Letter to SFH by HKAN (21 Jan 2019)

Please click on the following link for further reading:
- Download the Document (PDF) here.

Letter to NCHK by the 3 UGC-funded universities (13 June 2018)

Please click on the following link for further reading:
- Download the Document (PDF) here.