The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing (HKAN) would like to make a position statement on the recent verdict issued by The Hong Kong Medical Council.

Press Release dated 14 May 2018

Position Statement by The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing

The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing would like to issue a statement in response to the recent discussion of doctor-nurse relationship risen from the verdict issued by the Hong Kong Medical Council.

  1. In the contemporary healthcare context, there is a need for inter-disciplinary collaboration. Members, doctors and nurses inclusive, contribute in accordance to their own defined knowledge and skills, have their own professional accountability but bear shared responsibilities for patient management. There is mutual communication and opinion exchange among members to strive for optimal patient recovery and health status.

  2. Professional nurses have competence and responsibilities to provide care within their defined scope of services. The Nursing Council of Hong Kong is the statutory body to set and govern nursing standards in the realization of professional autonomy.

  3. The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing sets education standards and certifies qualifications for nursing specialties to facilitate the development of competence of advanced practising nurses. In areas of specialty practice, nurses and doctors in the related specialties collaborate even closer to provide holistic and continued care for patients

Media enquiry: Professor WONG Kam Yuet Frances - President, Hong Kong Academy of Nursing
Tel : 9747 9456 / 2370 0335




  1. 今天的醫療服務是需要跨專業團隊合作。成員包括醫生和護士, 在有關專業知識和技能範疇內, 對病人都有其專職責任, 共同承擔照顧病人的任務。在提供醫療護理照顧的過程,大家互通訉息,交換意見,達致促進病人康復,提升病人最佳健康為目標。

  2. 專業護士有能力及責任去提供能力範圍內的病人服務。護士管理局為護理專業的法定監管機構,訂定標準、監察, 體現專業自主。

  3. 香港護理專科學院透過訂定專科培訓標準及評審資格, 栽培護士的專業臻深能力。在專科範疇內,專科護士與該科專科醫生合作更緊密,為病人提供整全及延續照顧。

傳媒查詢: 黃金月教授 - 香港護理專科學院院長
電話: 9747 9456 / 2370 0335

Here is the Position Statement | 聲明 in PDF.