Dear Ordinary Members and Fellows,

On behalf of the Council of The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing, I am very proud to inform you that two of our Fellows are on the 2016 Honours List.


Medal of Honor (榮譽勳章)
Mr. CHOI Pui Wah, Philip (蔡沛華先生)
Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing (Emergency)

Mr. CHOI is CGM(N) of KWC / GM(N) of PMH & NLTH; and D COMR (HR) of Auxiliary Medical Service


Appointed the Justices of the Peace
Prof. LEE Tze Fan, Diana (李子芬教授)
Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing (Education & Research)

Prof. LEE is Professor of Nursing, The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Chairman of The Nursing Council of Hong Kong 

The Council join me to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Philip and Diana for their devotion to the nursing profession and community over the years.


Frances Kam Yuet Wong
RN PhD FAAN FHKAN (Education & Research)
The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing