8 July 2016

The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing

New Council 2016-2017


At the 5th Annual General Meeting of the Academy held on 18 June 2016, the new council (2016-2017) had been elected.  For your kind attention, we list out below the office bearers and the council members.


President:                                Prof. WONG Kam Yuet Frances

Immediate Past President:      Dr. LUM Shun Sui Susie

Vice President (Internal):       Ms. LEE Wai Yee Susanna

Vice President (External):      Ms. LEUNG Sui Kei Civy

Vice President (Education):   Ms. SHAM So Yuen Alice

Honorary Secretary:               Ms. LAW Siu Ming Susan

Honorary Treasurer:               Dr. WONG Yee Hing Esther

Council Members:                  Prof. CHAIR Sek Ying

                                                Ms. CHAN Sau Kuen Becky

                                                Mr. CHIU Hak Fai Alick

                                                Ms. CHONG Yuen Chun Samantha

                                                Ms. LAM Yin Ming

                                                Ms. LI Yuk Lin Helena

                                                Ms. LI Ping Serena

                                                Ms. LIU Yuk Ling Elaine

                                                Prof. LOKE YUEN Jean Tak Alice

                                                Mr. TSANG Wing Wah

                                                Dr. TSO Shing Yuk Alice

                                                Prof. WONG Chi Sang Martin

                                                Mr. YEUNG Kin Keung Frederick


Thank you for your continual support to the Academy. 

 Yours sincerely, 


LAW Siu Ming Susan

Hon Secretary

The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing